Update: we have a winner! Out of 7 comments, random.org chose #2 to win the Dayspring card pack. SO, congratulations to Randi! I'm contacting her by email to get her address. Of course, if I don't hear from her w/in 24 hours, I'll be forced to choose another winner. Let's hope not - I'd hate to hurt anyone's feelings!
In our church recently, there have been several families who have experienced heartbreaking, tragic losses. While I will not go into details, I will say that I wouldn't wish these things on my worst enemy, much less on fellow Christian brothers & sisters. That's why I love Dayspring so much! Just in time, I received some cards to use to encourage others. It's no coincidence that Sept. 12 is/was the National Day of Encouragement. I've used Dayspring cards before, on this day, to encourage others, with great joy to all (including me). I got this set from (in)courage's Inspired Deals page, where we can review a product or share a story of using a product, to encourage others.
This time, I received cards from Dayspring's Compassion line. If you don't know what Compassion is, just look over to my right sidebar, down a bit. I sponsor a little boy in India; lots of (in)courage bloggers sponsor children in lots of other countries. The backs of the cards give a link to Compassion's Child Survival Program - this is priceless, to me.
Several of the card captions are straight out of the mouth of my favorite encourager, Holley Gerth. She has a way with words like no other, and I LOVE her cards! What better cards to use than hers, when someone needs a little bit of encouragement. So I did. Send encouragement, I mean. To others. With these cards. You should, too. Bless someone else. By doing so, I guarantee you will be blessed as well!
Oh, and guess what! Dayspring is letting me give away a set of both cards to one of you! So here's how it works: IF you live in the U.S., and IF you leave a comment right here (I've set it so you can comment anonymously, and not have a blogging account), I'll choose ONE commenter to receive the cards. I will choose using random.org, contact you via email, and get your shipping information. Dayspring will ship the cards to you themselves! What a deal!
I'll let this go until 6:00 p.m., CDT, until next Friday, Sept. 21. Then I'll close commenting, draw a name & notify the winner. Need a "theme" for the comment? How about this? Tell us how you've been encouraged, somehow, sometime, in the past. Easy! So ready? Set? Go!
P. S. Lawyer's chorus: Dayspring & (in)courage provided me with these cards for free. How I used them, and what I thought of them is the personal opinion of my very own self!