Hey, everyone! Lisa-Jo has a new 5-minute Friday topic for today's post, and the word is "She." This one is SO easy for me for one good reason - the minute I hear the word "she" stand alone, I immediately think of the movie "Notting Hill." It's one of my favorite movies, and I wasn't sure why at first - well, other than the Hugh Grant element! It wasn't until I was partway through my 3rd viewing (NOT marathon viewing), that I realized that this was one of the few movies told through the eyes of the British - there's no American viewpoint at all. Maybe that's why it's so refreshing. There's a scene where Hugh Grant's character meets a minor (to me, anyway) character who's American, and the encounter is just jarring - all brash American humor and lack of class.
ANYway, the reason "she" brings this movie to mind, is that they use the Elvis Costello song "She" to great effect during the movie. It's a great song, and what they do with it in the movie is just stunning. And the movie has one of the most romantic endings I've ever seen.
Crud! Time's up! Go & view the video from Notting Hill. I've checked, & there are no spoilers, so enjoy
GOOOOD morning all you beautiful people out there! This is a very special post, with an invitation for you to join us! If you have read my blog at all, you'll know that the people at (in)courage are very near & dear to my heart. For the past year or so, they have been hosting break-out community groups, through Facebook mainly, to allow women to connect in an area specific to their needs. You can read all about that here.
But, don't feel limited to only Facebook - they're also working through email, Skype, Google Chat, and regular blogs.
Here's what I want to tell you: I am, for the first time, co-hosting one of the community groups (insert squeal of excitement here)! The group I am helping with is called (in)courage Your Marriage, and I'm co-hosting it with my NEW friend, Amanda Farris.
But don't take my word for it! Go on to the (in)courage community groups site and look around. There are lots of community groups to choose from - even within the marriage (in)couragement area, there are different groups, such as military wives and law enforcement wives. There are also wives without children, over-50 wives, empty nesters, single ladies - take my word for it - there's something for EVERYONE!
I'm telling you all this, not to get lots of comments or attention, but to get you involved in this group of God-loving, God-serving, women-helping workers. Their only motivation is to bring God's love and care to others.
Why am I doing this? I'll tell you: because God healed my marriage. It's now my duty/responsibility to bring this message of hope and healing to others who may be struggling. I want them to know that if God could (and did) bring healing to what was a marriage in trouble, He can - and will - do the same for you.
You can find the (in)couragers Community groups here on Facebook - look & see just how excited they are to get this going!
Here are some details: registration runs from Sept. 16 - 20 - that's Monday through Friday! The Fall session begins Sept. 23 and runs through Nov. 8. We'll have a wrap-up week Nov. 11 -15, and be finished just in time to get ready for Thanksgiving!
Now, doesn't this sound like SO much fun?!!! Please join us next week (in)couraging each other. I know there is the perfect spot for you - there was for me!
(one of these days, I'll figure all this blog-code out, & it'll be brilliant! Until then, I do the best I can. Please bear with me)
Today's 5-minute Friday post is entitled "Mercy," as always sponsored by Lisa-Jo.
So here we go!
Mercy is one of those things that you never know to ask for, but that you always get. Just like "grace,"we need a lot of mercy to go through life. Think about it - you yell at your kids for making a mess, THEN you find out that the dog did it. While it is always hard, I try to ask for forgiveness - when they do, they give you mercy. When you have empathy (not sympathy) for someone, you're showing mercy to them. This is not a bad thing. Showing mercy humanizes the other person - for example, when you give a donation to someone - all of a sudden, they're a person, not an object of sympathy. Try to remember that as you go through your day - I know I will.
Time's up - later!
Hey, everyone - it's Five Minute Friday again, as sponsored by Lisa-Jo, and today's word is:
When I hear that word, the first thing I think of is the American Heart Association's "Wear Red for Your Heart Day," a day set aside to bring awareness the heart disease in women. I have some experience with this - 15 years ago, I had my first experience with tachycardia. I thought I was having a heart attack (at 40!), but it turned out to be a much more benign thing.
BUT, my mother-in-law did have a heart attack around the age of 40. While it didn't kill her, it did enough damage to make her "frail" for the rest of her life. Not the way I want to live - I want to be much more "robust" than frail. You know, water skiing at 75, pillow fights, making things blow up in the kitchen (dinner's ready!).
All this to say, take care of your heart, and your heart will take care of you. We'd like to have you around for a L*O*N*G time.
Time's up! Have a great weekend!