Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Yesterday, I must confess, I did not prepare a Not Me! post, in anticipation of being w/in the first 100 bloggers who link to MckMama's blog! I did not do this, because I knew that I would not be spending 8 hours in a Sensory Processing Disorders workshop, with absolutely no time to not-blog. And on Friday, I also did not spend the first 8 hours in a Reading First workshop/training, with not time for more fun!

BUT, on Saturday, I did not walk out of Wal Mart & stop dead in the exit when I spied the dreaded Girl Scouts. And I did not rationalize to myself that I would only eat 2 a day, and the kids would eat the rest. And you know what? I did NOT buy 3 boxes ($10.50 - ask me how I do not know that!) and come home & make my kids VERY happy.
I also did not make a chocolate brownie pie for general consumption, in celebration of Pi Day (you know - 3.14). It's not an annual event at our house. And, it's also not Einstein's birthday. So not fitting!

I have not been thinking about posting a recipe for the oh-so-yummy New Orleans Roast Beef Sandwiches I blogged about last Monday. I will only not do so, if begged for by my legion of (read: 2) fans who are so kind to follow me.

Today, during lunch break I did not, myself, consume a 1/2 pound hamburger, with the accompanying shoestring fries. I did not not-leave any meat behind. Oh, but I did-not have cheese on it. A girl's gotta cut back somewhere. But, I most definitely did not eat 7/8ths of the fries. Nope. Not me!!!


  1. How did you not find 3 boxes for $10.50?! I didn't pay $10 for 2 boxes!

    And I can't believe someone else actually celebrates PI Day!! You must be a fellow nerd :)

  2. On any day but Not Me! Monday, here in Louisiana, we pay $3.50 per box. That's 50 cents up from 2 years ago. On Monday, of course, they're free, since we don't buy things like that!
    My nerdly kids (it's genetic - they got it from their nerdly mother) always remind me about Pi day. Plus, it's a good excuse to not-make a pie on a Saturday!

  3. You are so funny. And I am doing my yoga tomorrow, thank you very much! :)

    I have been so busy...but it sounds like you have been busy too...

    And my husband and I have been craving cajun food, and so we made gumbo this week. I even bought blackened seasoning at the store too!

    And nerdy pie???? Your kids are spoiled!

  4. About the yoga - see, when you post about it, we all become your accountability group! So you can't escape from us!

    And, the pi pie was as much for me as it was for the kids. Chocolate is my like, as in, "I like to breathe."

  5. Yes, your fauxhawk sporting son is adorable! But don't tell him I said that!

