Welcome to Not Me! Monday! If you want to visit the home of Not Me! Monday, head over to MckMama's site at http://www.mycharmingkids.net/!
Hmm..... what have I not been doing this week? Well, this weekend, I did not spend an hour pre-preparing food for a church family who's moving to a new home. This meal did not include New Orleans-style roast beef for sandwiches, and it especially did not include a Hershey Bar pie. And I most certainly did not make another pie for my own personal family. And, best of all, after finishing making the pies, and not licking my fingers a LOT, I did not turn around and make some amazing triple chocolate cookies. And I most definitely did not eat one. Or two. Or three (but the third one doesn't count, as it constituted my bedtime snack).
I also did not spend a lot of time in the hot tub with my husband. This would be considered necessary, as we certainly do not want to continue being married for a long time. And "quality time together" does not assist in that goal!
I did not have e-mail wars with one of my schools, over whether or not I am able to do an evaluation on a student (I am not! able).
I did not, on at least a daily basis, click on a Grand Canyon webcam site, wanting to be there so badly I can NOT stand it. Snow. The Grand Canyon. It does NOT get any better than that.
Wait, yes it does. Cancun. Any time of year. It definitely does not get any better than that. And I so do not! want to go there. Nope. Not me!!!!